Adding money to a card is easy and usually instant. If there is a delay, most likely, it's due to you reaching the maximum number of loads allowed (see Card Load Limits article) or there is an issue with the overall account. There are a limited number of loads (and total dollar amount) that can be done to a card each 24 hours and 30 days. To see these limits:
- Go to “Settings” from the parent dashboard and select “Card Load Limits”
- Select the child to see limits and the number or percentage remaining
The limits reset every 24 hours or 30 days, but to avoid these, we recommend your child transfer all funds needed to the “SPEND” area before loading a card from that area. If you haven’t reached these limits and money won’t load to card, contact one of our agents for help ( or chat through the app).
It’s been on pending for a day now
It is taking a long time for my load card to be approved. Why should I do?
I need a card so I can save my money
Did it eventually load?
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